Monday, June 25, 2012

May - 365 Photo Project

May was a good month for photos for me, and this month it is very difficult to pick my favorites.
 Acorn--seems to been enjoying the Kestrel/Screech Owl Nestbox
Let’s start with a photo of Acorn, the Eastern Screech Owl, at World Bird Sanctuary’s Camera Day.  Joe Hoffmann set up our displays for Camera Day and guests had a great day photographing Acorn sitting in a Kestrel/Screech Owl box.  Acorn did a great job and seemed to enjoy sitting in the box.  She was a big hit with her head sticking out of the hole.
 Baby Tawny Owl taken with a Nikon P510 on Camera Day
My second favorite photo was taken at the same event.  Schiller’s Camera store, Nikon and Cannon were present at the event to allow visitors to try out the different camera models.  I tried the Nikon P510 and fell in love with this camera.  This photo of a young Tawny Owl was taken with the P510 and I just love the photo.  If you look closely you can see reflections in the bird’s eyes.
 Need I say more?
The last photo I would like to include is the self portrait I took while at the Missouri Botanical Gardens.  This photo is titled “Stop and Smell the Roses.”  I do not think there is anything else to say about the photo.

I truly have enjoyed this project and have learned a lot.  One of the things I enjoy the most about this project is that I can see others’ photos and receive comments from other like-minded individuals.

Submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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