Tuesday, September 25, 2012

365 Photo Project - July

My 365 Photo Project has slowed down some recently due to the excessive heat.

The record breaking 100 plus degree temperatures in the St. Louis area have made it difficult for me to do many of my favorite outdoor activities; but luckily this month I had a short vacation with my family at the family cottage in Northern Wisconsin.  Of course I took many photos, and trying to pick just a few is very difficult.  However, I do have a couple photos that are my favorites.

The first two are similar--they are of my niece Madilyn.  We went to this small zoo in Minocqua, Wisconsin called Wildwood Wildlife Park.  There they have this budgie experience were you can go into a large flight cage with tons of budgies (short for Budgerigar Parakeet).  For $1 you can get a seed stick and the budgies flock to you to get their treat.  My nieces are 2 and 4 and they just loved this experience. 

 I managed to get two photos of Madilyn that show her pure joy at having these seemingly fearless, little creatures land on her hand.  The photos show just how much she loved the budgies. 

My next pick is a photo of my nieces Hailey, Madilyn and their dog Mollie all looking at a sailboat as it went by on the lake.  This is just a peaceful photo that transports me back to the serenity of that day when I look at it.

Submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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