Tuesday, February 12, 2013

365 Photo Project - Year 2

On January 1, 2013 I started year two of my 365 photo project. 

I started off the new year with a new camera; a Coolpix Nikon p510.  This is a camera I had the opportunity to try at WBS’s Camera Days with Schiller’s Camera in attendance. 

Every year my family has a tradition of going birding on New Years Day, trying to find as many birds as possible.  I brought my camera along hoping to take some photos. 
The first photo was taken in the morning.  We were watching some feeders near Honeyeo Lake in New York.  My Mom and I were looking at the birds in the bushes and heard the Chickadees making a ton of noise.  Moments later a Northern Shrike flew thru trying to catch the Chickadees. It disappeared; then moments later it showed up again and landed in the tree above our car, allowing me to take several photos.  This photo of the Shrike is my favorite. 
The second photo was taken at Riverlands Refuge, in West Alton, Missouri.  I had driven out to the Mississippi/Missouri Rivers confluence area looking for whatever birds I could find.  I had just finished my short walk when overhead and behind me I heard a Bald Eagle calling.  I turned to see two Bald Eagles interacting, a juvenile and an adult.  I quickly shot a few photos and this is one of my favorites from that series.

The 365 photo project can be done in so many ways and is fun to do.  I joined a site online that consists of others doing their own 365 projects and it is so much fun to see photos by people from around the world, and looking at all of their amazing photos.

I have learned a lot from doing this project, and since I get out often to take the photos, I see so much more than I would normally.

Submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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