Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Spring is Coming!

As I sit here looking out my office window at the six inches of snow and ice deposited by last week’s winter storm, and I listen to the local weather forecasters telling us that another storm is on its way, it’s difficult to believe that Spring is just around the corner.
The display line at WBS waiting for spring
But then I take a peek at my March calendar and realize that the World Bird Sanctuary’s annual harbinger of Spring is indeed almost upon us.  No—our harbinger of spring is not a four-footed furry little rodent that looks for his shadow.  Our reminder that Spring is indeed here is World Eagle Day! 
 The crowds from a previous World Eagle Day getting a close-up look at a live Bald Eagle

Mark your calendars—World Eagle Day is March 24, 10:00 to 4:00!!

World Eagle Day is one of our most popular events.  It’s a chance for everyone to get out of the house after a long cold winter and enjoy the outdoors with us.  Be prepared to celebrate everything Eagle—from close-up encounters with eagles from around the world to having an eagle soar overhead close enough to feel the draft from its wingbeats.
 Face painting will be just one of the many activities
There will be sing-a-longs, face painting, crafts for the kids, flight demonstrations by our free flying eagles, the opportunity to have your photo taken with a Bald Eagle, and much more.  As a special treat this year Members of the Comanche Nation will discuss the unique importance of eagles to Comanche culture.

So, mark your calendars for March 24 and be prepared to have a blast welcoming in Spring at the World Bird Sanctuary.

OH YES—I almost forgot to mention—admission and parking are FREE for this event!

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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