Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Construction Closing Rescheduled

New closing dates for construction project - April 3rd to Friday, April 5th

Due to the unprecedented snowstorm that dropped up to twelve inches of snow in some St. Louis areas, we have had to reschedule the scheduled closing dates for our paving project.

We will reopen at 8am on Saturday, April 6th, to celebrate "Bat"urday!

For those of you who didn’t see our original post, here it is again.

We have great news to share!  Due to a generous donation from the Beckmann Charitable Trust, we will be paving our entire parking lot and driveway on our public site.  For the safety our visitors we will be closed for the duration of this construction work.

The new paving will enhance the visitor experience to World Bird Sanctuary in so many ways:

·      It will make navigating our site easier for people with wheelchairs, walkers and strollers
·      It will reduce the amount of dust stirred up by vehicles, which is an irritant to the eyes and throats of birds and people
·      Keeping our public areas clear of snow and ice will be easier to manage, resulting in fewer winter closings.

We're excited about unveiling our new, improved site and look forward to welcoming you all back on Saturday, March 30th, when we reopen!

Submitted by Catherine Redfern, World Bird Sanctuary 

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