Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mother's Day Gifts

With Mother’s Day just around the corner it’s not too early to start thinking about what you can give your favorite gal this year.

Have you worn out the candy and flowers over the past years? 

This year give mom a lasting gift by inscribing your sentiments on one of World Bird Sanctuary’s bricks.  This sentiment will be there long after cards, flowers and candy are just a memory.  You may customize the inscription with any wording of your choice, as long as it fits into 21 spaces across, including spaces and punctuation.

You can even order a presentation gift certificate to give her on Mother's Day so she can see a replica of the brick that will be installed in the World Bird Sanctuary amphitheater.

To order a Mother’s Day brick for mom just click here (link) or call 636-225-4390, Xt. 0, and tell the person who answers that you want to buy a brick.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Photographer/Volunteer

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