Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why I Love WBS

I love going to World Bird Sanctuary because it’s fun and cool.

It’s fun because you get to learn about big, cool birds like Vultures, Great Horned Owls, Barn Owls, and Andean Condors. It’s cool because you get to see these birds up close.
Some of my favorite things to do at World Bird Sanctuary are: hear the parrots talk, look around the gift shop, pet the bunny, and see the bird shows.

Some of my favorite memories of World Bird Sanctuary are: going to the Fall Open House and releasing a Scarlet Tanager and a Warbler after they were banded at International Migratory Bird Day.

Whenever we go to World Bird Sanctuary I love to see the Bald Eagles, and Batty and Scar, the fruit bats.

The World Bird Sanctuary is important to me because it’s cool and it has helped me learn what I can do to help protect birds, how to make a birdhouse, and how important birds are.

Submitted by guest writer Simon B. – 8 years old

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Thanks for that review Simon, I wanna go see the bats and all the other things you mentioned, sounds like lots of fun!
