Sunday, July 28, 2013

Why I Love WBS

Not to be outdone by her younger brother, following is a post from guest contributor, 11-year-old Isabelle B. 

I love going to the World Bird Sanctuary because there are so many interesting things to do there and you learn so much about birds from all over the world.

Isabelle poses in front of our Raptor silhouettes
Some of the things I like to do there are look at all of the birds they have set out, and go to the open houses and “Bat”urday.

One of my favorite memories is from International Migratory Bird Day 2012, where I got to release a Scarlet Tanager, and International Migratory Bird Day 2013, where I got to release a Warbler.

My personal favorite bird is a Eurasian Eagle Owl named Xena.

Whenever the WBS has an open house I WANT to go because they have so many birds on display, and have a show where they fly owls and eagles.  And that is why I LOVE the WBS.

Submitted by Guest Contributor Isabelle B. – 11 years old

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