Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holiday Lights Recycling

Don’t throw away your holiday lights!

It’s that time of year when we put up our holiday lights and decorate our trees.  But wait!  Don’t throw out those lights that aren’t working!  Recycle them!

This year, World Bird Sanctuary is partnering with St. Louis Green  to ensure that less lights end up in landfills.

You can drop off your holiday lights at any convenient location – a full list is available on the St. Louis Green website   World Bird Sanctuary is one such convenient location.

At World Bird Sanctuary we support small lifestyle changes that collectively make a big impact on preserving our environment.  Please drop off your non-working lights in the red recycling bin at the top of the stairs that lead to WBS’ nature center.  You can do your part for ensuring a more environmentally sustainable holiday season for St. Louis. 

Look for this red recycling bin at the top of the amphitheater stairs

St. Louis Green will ensure that they are recycled properly!  Our red recycle bin will remain in place until 1/12/14.

Submitted by Catherine Redfern, World Bird Sanctuary Development Director

1 comment:

  1. What a great initiative! Wish we had something like this locally. I did help the birds this season with a new yankee flipper so I feel a bit better, at least!
