Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Aspen Obituary

I am sad this morning to tell our readers that Aspen, the World Bird Sanctuary’s sweet little Northern Saw Whet Owl, passed away during the night of 4/1/14.

Our beloved little Aspen, the Northern Saw Whet Owl (Photo by Gay Schroer)

It was noted during the day that she was not acting quite right, so she was taken to the wildlife rehab hospital to be given fluids and supportive care, but unfortunately she did not make it through the night. 

Aspen was brought to our Rehabilitation Hospital in 2007 after sustaining injuries due to a vehicle collision in the Hillsboro area.  She had severe injuries to her right shoulder and wing.  After approximately three months of intensive treatment she was again healthy, but unable to fully extend her injured right wing.  Because of this she was unreleasable.

It was decided that even though she could not be returned to the wild, she could be a spokesbird for her species at the World Bird Sanctuary’s Office of Wildlife Learning.  Aspen took up residency in the WBS Nature Center in spring of 2008, and has delighted visitors ever since—particularly the children, who related well to her small size.

Even though most people referred to Aspen as “she”, we do not really know the sex, since there are no visible differences between males and females of this species.

Aspen will be sorely missed by Staff and visitors alike.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird  Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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