Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GoFundMe: New Washer & Dryer Needed for Hospital

The World Bird Sanctuary is sorely in need of a heavy duty washer & dryer for the Wildlife Hospital.  It will cost $1,500.

Our old washer has died due to constant use and WBS staff members are having to drive off-site to keep up with the laundry.  The dryer also is on its last legs, barely hanging on by a string.
Baby Red-shouldered Hawk (photo: Catherine Redfern)

It’s now baby season and it is of vast importance to keep their areas clean in order to keep them healthy. Because these babies cannot yet stand, they spend a great deal of time lying down and need soft, clean towels and blankets to keep them warm.  Because this requires daily loads of laundry, a new heavy duty washer & dryer is a very important necessity for the WBS Wildlife Hospital.

Making a donation through GoFundMe is a safe and easy way to support World Bird Sanctuary.  GoFundMe guarantees a secure payment through encryption technology.  The site only allows Certified Charities like WBS to utilize its site.  GoFundMe has been recognized in Forbes, CNN, NPR, Time and many more.  Can you help us reach our goal?  Making a donation is not only safe, but quick and easy.
Baby Barred Owl with broken leg (photo: Catherine Redfern)

Please help us reach our goal to provide the World Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Hospital with a new washer & dryer for our new babies by clicking on the link!

Be sure to share the World Bird Sanctuary GoFundMe link with your friends and family. We appreciate your support!

Submitted by Alisha Cole, World Bird Sanctuary  Social Media and 

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