Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spring Cleaning and the WBS Wishlist

It’s that time of the year when spring cleaning begins.

You may be downsizing, throwing away extra non-necessities or you are stumped as to where to take your extra or unwanted items.  Before you throw away anything check out the World Bird Sanctuary’s wish list.
Just a few of the many items on our wishlist (photo: Alisha Cole)

WBS is always in need of many items varying from toilet paper, spray bottles, paper shredders, vehicles, lawn mowers and distilled water to name just a few.  Our wish list is long and you may be surprised to find an item on the list that you happen to have extra of or no need for anymore.  For a full listing please click here to visit the World Bird Sanctuary website wishlist. 

If you don’t have any items for donation but still wish to help out the World Bird Sanctuary’s wish list, you can shop on Amazon and visit the World Bird Sanctuary’s Amazon wish list.  Here you can purchase any item(s) off the wish list to help the World Bird Sanctuary. Here is a quick link to the WBS Amazon wish list 

Your donations help make a difference for bird species worldwide and we are truly grateful for any donation of items/purchases online. 

Submitted by Alisha Cole, World Bird Sanctuary Social Media Intern

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