Monday, June 23, 2014


If you’ve been waiting to send in your order for a World Bird Sanctuary inscribed brick, the deadline for our Summer 2014 installation is almost here. 

World Bird Sanctuary inscribed bricks are installed three times a year—July, October and February.  The stairs leading down to our stage area have been completed, and we are now installing bricks on the large main landing of the amphitheater.

Even though a large percentage of the inscribed bricks are memorials to loved ones, there are a multitude of other messages.  A few examples are:  anniversaries, birthdays, friendships, scout troop accomplishments, engagements, weddings, Mother’s day and Father’s day sentiments, World’s Greatest Mom, World’s Greatest Dad, birth of a new baby, in memory of a beloved pet….the possibilities are endless!
So, if you’ve been procrastinating, get your order in on time to be part of the next installation.  The deadline for orders for the next installation is July 1, 2014.
There are two sizes of bricks, 4"X8" with up to three lines of text
A 8"X8" brick with up to six lines of text

For more information or to order online and use Paypal Click Here and follow the instructions.  If you prefer to pay by check or credit card call 636-225-4390, Ext 101

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