Thursday, July 3, 2014


Following is a poem about some of our resident birds by Marge Biermann, a very talented friend of World Bird Sanctuary.


As night is falling our feathered friends are awake.
They keep each other company, each for the others’ sake.
Everyone has a problem special just to him,
That suddenly turned his life from free to grim.
Frazzle, an Eastern Screech Owl
Poor little Frazzle lost an eye, which hampers his flying,
But Sanctuary friends saved him from actually dying.
Now he’s an Educator for children large and small,
Proving that even with a handicap an owl can stand tall.
Injury need not stop a mighty life quest,
Not as long as you have help and do your very best.
Farfel, an Eastern Screech Owl
Then there’s little Farfel….his wings are not quite right,
So he can only manage a very short flight.
But he flies every day in his little heart,
And by greeting at the Sanctuary he does his part.
Farnsworth, a Common Barn Owl
I must mention distinguished Farnsworth, so white of face,
Who serves as a Sanctuary ambassador with style and grace,
And he is so easy in any “Owl Crowd” to spot,
With a bit of white on his forehead….just a tiny dot.
Hatched at the Sanctuary he knows his way about.
You’ll find him where all the Barn Owls “hang out”.
Jersey, a Barred Owl
We must speak of Jersey who had to diet.
Probably some of us should also try it!
Thus the name “Jersey” implying her a bit chunky,
But she’s a show “walk-on”….now really spunky!
Athena, a Common Barn Owl
The Barn Owl, Athena, is a super mother,
Having produced more eggs than any other.
She prefers to live in quiet seclusion,
Yet have a space to fly without intrusion.
The Sanctuary gives her that, but keeps a watchful eye
With an “Owl Cam” mounted way up high.
Peabody, a Tawny Owl
If you’re looking for Peabody just look to the sky,
Because this Tawny Owl really loves to fly.
Two thousand twelve was his first flying season.
Now he’s ready to go anytime, for whatever reason.
Aspen, a Saw-whet Owl
In April we bid “Farewell” to Aspen, a lovely little flower.
We cared for him and nursed him through his final hour.
The lesson he taught us was, indeed, so great,
“Serve when and wherever, no matter your fate.”

These birds can survive with help from friends like you,
Who give the assistance needed to see them through.
Man interacting with Nature’s winged creatures….
Often we wonder who are the students and who the teachers.

Almost all the owls mentioned can be seen at World Bird Sanctuary on a daily basis.  Come over and check them out! 

Poetry submitted by Marge Biermann, Guest Author
All photos by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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