Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Birds in Concert 2014

Another season of concerts was a great success at the World Bird Sanctuary.  Special guest musicians Javier Mendoza, Babaloo and a band named Fowl Play filled this year’s schedule. 
The Raptor Project takes to the stage (photo: Gay Schroer)

We had wonderful sponsors that helped us make this event happen.  Ameren Missouri partnered with the World Bird Sanctuary’s education department to sponsor the concerts and many of the other events on our yearly schedule.  Other sponsors were Sprout and About, Whole Foods Market and the Hendrickson insurance group.  We appreciate all the support of these sponsors.
Naturalist JoHanna Burton releases a Harris' Hawk during a musical number (photo: Gay Schroer)

Enthusiastic audiences turned out to enjoy an evening of unique music mixed with flying birds, snake parades and a stage full of bubbles.  The World Bird Sanctuary’s band “The Raptor Project” performed each Thursday night.  Many of the songs played were from the band’s first two CDs, which were produced to benefit the Kathryn G. Favre wildlife hospital.  This year we performed 7 new songs, which were not previously released. 

The band’s soundman, volunteer Rusty Wandall, was able to set up recording equipment to start production of a live album.  Older songs from the first two CDs will be chosen after we listen to the tapes from all the shows to figure out what sounds best.  This will be a long process and we hope to have a digital release of a live CD sometime in the spring of 2015.  We just hope the tapes reflect the great fun we had at the concerts this year.

Thanks again to everyone involved. 

Submitted by World Bird Sanctuary's Sanctuary Manager, Joe Hoffmann    

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