Tuesday, October 28, 2014

365 Photo Project-September 2014

As things with my work and personal life get busier it becomes more of a challenge to take photos, but I still find ways to get them in. 

The 9/11 flags display on Art Hill in St. Louis, MO (photo: Cathy Spahn)
The first two photos are from the September 11 Art Hill celebration.  Art Hill is the lawn to the north of the St. Louis Art Museum in Forest Park.  Every year flags are placed on Art Hill in remembrance of September 11. 
The overcast sky added to the solemnity of the occasion (photo: Cathy Spahn)
This year there were 684 flags, one for every 10 military personnel who have lost their lives since the September 11, 2001 attacks.  It was a very solemn sight; the flags were beautiful yet you could feel the reason they were there.  The overcast that day added to the overall feeling of the day and even made the color of the flags stand out.
WBS Staff member Paige Davis releases McGyver the Harris' Hawk (photo: Cathy Spahn)
My next two photos were taken at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival, where WBS presents a birds of prey program.  I did not have many opportunities to take photos during the program, but I tried.  The set up for the show is such that you need 3 trainers to make sure the show goes smoothly, and sneaking in some photos is challenging.  In order to take a photo I had to stand behind a wall barrier onstage and point a camera through the crack in the barrier.  This makes the angle of view very narrow. 
WBS Staff member JoHanna Burton releasing McGyver the Harris' Hawk (photo: Cathy Spahn
Even with this limitation I managed to get a few nice photos of World Bird Sanctuary staff members JoHanna Burton and Paige Davis with MacGyver the Harris Hawk.

In many ways I think the photos in this month’s blog speak for themselves.  There are moments of peace, joy, and excitement all captured in a few photos.

Submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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