Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bird Talk

Here is another whimsical poem about a conversation with birds by World Bird Sanctuary guest author Marge Biermann.

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk (photo: Gay Schroer)
Bird Talk

The sky is your highway, no traffic problem there.
No toll roads or bridges to request a fare.
Anyway, it’s kind of difficult for you to carry change.
I guess even using a credit card would seem strange!

Refueling simply means you find a worm or, maybe, a mouse.
And you usually live in a nest or, sometimes a house.
There’s no need to worry about a leaky roof,
You’ve solved the problem of weather proof.

Most of your brothers live in high rises, strong and tall,
Sheltered by leaves like a great granny shawl.
Your voices are heard in a variety of tones.
No monthly fees….you never need phones.

But life isn’t always as simple as that,
You’re always on watch for a hungry cat.
And accidents happen….then what to do?
You’ll need a friend to take care of you.

You need gentle hands to mend a broken wing,
So you can feel better and continue to sing.
I believe the World Bird Sanctuary is the place to go,
And then maybe you could help them with a show.

They educate people about how you live,
How we can help and the assistance we can give.
Living together, all of us….man and beast,
To keep the balance, none should be counted as least!

Submitted by Marge Biermann, World Bird Sanctuary Guest Author

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