Monday, December 29, 2014

From "How do we do this?" to "Mission Accomplished!" - YOU make it possible.

2014 has been a successful year in achieving our mission.  We at World Bird Sanctuary could not have done it without you.  We plan to maintain this momentum in 2015 - but we need your financial support to help us do it.

A busy year for our wildlife hospital!     
The almost 450 raptors admitted to World Bird Sanctuary's Kathryn G. Favre Wildlife Hospital this year were cared for without any state, federal or local government funding.  Each year the hospital and its patients rely entirely on donations from members of the public to treat and care for wild injured birds.  
Volunteer veterinarians Dr. Schaeffer (R) and Dr. Broyles (L) treat a
Red-tailed Hawk admitted to the wildlife hospital.
Among this year’s successes were a bald eagle whose foot got caught in a coyote trap, numerous barred owls and great-horned owls, orphaned red-tailed hawks, and one very lucky broad-winged hawk that was treated by our wildlife hospital and completed his migration to Florida via a plane ride!

To maintain this momentum we need your help.  Donate now to help our wildlife hospital help sick, injured and orphaned birds in 2015.

The Office of Wildlife Learning inspires action!
One of the best parts of being a naturalist presenting live bird programs at World Bird Sanctuary's environmental education department is facilitating what we call ‘the light bulb moment’ – that instant when we watch a child in our audience light up as they see a raptor fly for the first time.  
School children learn about Xena the Eurasian Eagle Owl
on a field trip to World Bird Sanctuary.
As that owl flies over that child’s head, you can see the appreciation and wonder at experiencing wildlife first hand.  For many children, and even adults, this moment is the one that sparks a life-long interest in the natural world, and preserving habitats and those that live in them.

Donate today to be part of ‘the light bulb moment’ and foster a desire to preserve wildlife and the habitats where they live in generations to come.

Our success is your success
We have over 37 years of success in achieving our mission through our four focus areas, and numerous accolades and awards for our achievements in wildlife conservation and education.

Watch our video to learn how your investment
in our mission makes a difference every day
The mission of World Bird Sanctuary is to preserve the earth's biological diversity and to secure the future of threatened bird species in their natural environments. We work to fulfill this mission through education, propagation, field studies and rehabilitation.

We know that our mission is important to you too – we invite you to donate today and be part of the solution to challenges facing our wild birds in the years to come.

The World Bird Sanctuary is a consistently successful and credible conservation organization, which makes investing in us one of the safest philanthropic decisions you can make.  You know that we will use your donation wisely.  World Bird Sanctuary meets all 20 charity standards set by the Better Business Bureau. 

Thank you.

Submitted by Catherine Redfern

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