Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Love Is In The Air

It’s now almost the end of January, and love is in the air—at least it is for the owls that are sending their amorous hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo messages out into the night air seeking a mate.

However, owls are not the only species expressing their amorous sentiments.   The human species (Homo sapiens) are preparing to celebrate the most romantic day of the year—Valentine’s Day.  Some will exchange cards, others will show up at their lady-love’s door with flowers or a box of chocolates, which will either wilt in a few days or be eaten in short order. 
An example of  the presentation certificate  (photo: Gay Schroer)
The true romantics will show up with a certificate for a World Bird Sanctuary brick!  You don’t think that sounds so romantic?  Think about it—the flowers will be wilted and dead within a few days; the candy will quickly be long gone; but the inscribed brick will be a lasting testament to your true love.  You may choose any sentiment you like (within the constraints of space and taste, of course). 

 You and your love will be able to find your brick years from now by visiting the World Bird Sanctuary amphitheater on your anniversary—or any time you choose.  Your children and grandchildren can make a trip to WBS to find their “family brick” generations from now and reminisce about how their family tree started.
Your brick will be installed in the main landing of the amphitheater (photo: Gay Schroer)

We will be submitting our order for this spring’s brick installation by the end of January.  In order to get your certificate in time for Valentine’s Day and be included in our spring installation, order now.

Brick prices begin at $125 for text only inscriptions.  Additional options are available for a small fee, such as Gift presentation certificates for $7.50, and stock symbols for an additional $25.  To order your brick on-line Click Here.  If you would prefer to pay by check or credit card call 626-225-4390, Ext. 0, and tell the person who answers that you would like to buy a brick.

Don’t delay—the ordering deadline for this installation is January 28, 2015.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer

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