Sunday, February 15, 2015

Patriot the Bald Eagle at Jefferson College Library

On October 24, 2014 Patriot the Bald Eagle and World Bird Sanctuary staff were invited to be part of a very special day and event at the Jefferson College  Library's “30th Anniversary Celebration 1984-2014.”
One of the many record books to be found in the FDLP (photo: Mike Zieloski)

Jefferson College Library is a Federal Depository Library. The Federal Depository Library system is a program of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).  The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) safeguards one of our nation’s strongest traditions--the public right to know.  Since it was established by Congress in the mid 1800’s, the FDLP has collected, organized, and preserved information produced by all parts of the Federal Government, and assisted people in locating and using it.
Hunters' License registrations for 1929 (photo: Mike Zieloski)

Libraries designated as depositories provide local, no-fee access to information from the government in impartial environments.  Expert assistance in locating specific information is available at all locations from Federal documents specialists.  To locate your nearest depository library call 888-293-6498.

Lisa Pritchard, the Library Services Director and Government Documents Librarian, invited Patriot to be present at the end of the celebration and on display for 2 hours afterward.  Students, faculty, children and guests of the event were in awe of Patriot.  We spoke a 20-minute presentation and then lots of the library staff and guests had their photo taken next to Patriot.

Lisa Pritchard thought a Bald Eagle would be perfect for this event. The Bald Eagle has been our National Symbol since 1782.  The Bald Eagle is also the symbol of the Federal Depository Library.  Many of the Library staff held the symbol in their photos next to Patriot our Bald Eagle.

The Bald Eagle is also an example of the success of the Endangered Species Program.  Bald Eagles in Missouri and throughout the U. S. have made a dramatic comeback. There are over 150 nesting pairs just in the state of Missouri.

The 30th Anniversary Celebration featured a Flag Ceremony with Pledge of Allegiance presented by Cub Scout Pack 460.  We were welcomed by Dr. Raymond Cummiskey, President of Jefferson College.  We also heard from State Representatives and Marie Concannon, Chair of Federal Depository Council.

Lisa Pritchard included this piece of historical writing: “…Education cannot be too much applauded. A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”---James Madison in a letter to W.T. Barry.

Submitted by Mike Zieloski, World Bird Sanctuary Director of Education

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