Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Grant's Farm Bird Show 2015

Last year I had the pleasure of working with the World Bird Sanctuary's Animal Encounters team at Grant’s Farm.  The crew there was a real joy to be with on a daily basis.  They really know how to enjoy a job.  That is why I am excited to once again join them on stage and offstage this year. 

However, there will be a few changes this year.  One of the biggest and most exciting changes is working with fellow WBS staff members JoHanna Burton and Paige Davis.
McGwire the Bald Eagle will be one of two birds in the posing area to have his photo taken with guests (photo: Gay Schroer)

Throughout the season we will be taking turns in the posing area with Bald Eagles McGwire and Sanibel. This is a photo op where a photographer will take photos of guests posing next to one of these Bald Eagles.
Marz the Red-tailed Hawk...
...and Shadow the Bateleur Eagle will be two of the birds greeting visitors in the weathering area (photos: Gay Schroer)

On display in a special area will be Shadow the Bateleur Eagle, Carmelita the Great Horned Owl, Prius the hybrid Gyrfalcon/Peregrine Falcon, and Marz the Red-tailed Hawk. 

Scarlett the Red-shouldered Hawk...

...and Otis the Abdim's Stork will be two of the birds entertaining visitors on the Grant's Farm stage (photos:  Gay Schroer)

We will also be working with a few new birds onstage--Scarlett the Red-shouldered Hawk, Emerson the Eurasian Eagle Owl, and Otis the Abdim’s Stork.  These last two birds are fairly new to me and I look forward to learning their individual personalities and behaviors.  So far it has been a great learning experience.

Please, come see our shows and say hi.  We are always happy to meet you and answer your questions.  Education is what we love here at World Bird Sanctuary and there is a never-ending supply of it.  We are always looking up into the skies and ready to identify what we see and we absolutely enjoy spreading that knowledge to others. 

Submitted by W. Leigh French, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist/Trainer

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