Thursday, April 16, 2015

Have You Watched our Falcon Cam Yet

What is a Falcon Cam you may ask? 

The World Bird Sanctuary, in partnership with Missouri Department of Conservation and Ameren Missouri, is pleased to be able to bring you a live video camera trained on a Peregrine Falcon nest box located at Ameren Missouri’s Portage des Sioux Energy Center.  This live video feed will allow you to watch a pair of Peregrine Falcons nest and hatch their chicks from the comfort of your living room.  The video feed is active from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. each day.

One of the falcons early in the year inspecting the empty next box
The Falcon Cam has been up and running for the past three years.  In that time we have watched a Peregrine Falcon pair, which we named Coal and SiouxZee, lay 14 eggs and successfully fledge 12 youngsters.

This year, for whatever reason, SiouxZee did not return.  However, a new female has bonded with Coal and she is now sitting on 4 eggs, which we estimate will hatch around the 4th or 5th of May.

The female (on the right) watching the four eggs
 Watching this nest is somewhat like watching a soap opera.  There can be action, drama, danger, tenderness and yes, even comedy.

Click Here to watch this real life drama.  If you are lucky you may even see the male bring food to the female, or just change positions with her to give her a break.  When you go to the video feed, be sure to click on the “Ask Jeff” link to find out all the interesting details of the past history of this falcon nest.  You’ll find out what is involved in following a pair of Peregrine Falcons (the world’s fastest animal) from courtship to fledging the youngsters. 

Let me warn you—viewing the Falcon Cam can be addictive!

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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