Monday, April 6, 2015

World Eagle Day A Huge Success

World Eagle Day a Huge Success

This year’s World Eagle Day event on March 29 at the World Bird Sanctuary was a resounding success!  We had record attendance.

This could have been you feeling the rush of air created by a free flying Bald Eagle (photo: Gay Schroer)

Young and old alike took advantage of the ideal weather and joined us for a day of outdoor fun.  Eagles from around the world were on display—some at a mere arm’s length, and our free flying Bald Eagle, Clark, amazed the crowds by swooping just over their heads.

In case you were unable to attend or live too far away, Click Here to see the Show Me St. Louis segment, which aired on KSDK Channel 5 on March 27.   You’ll see what World Eagle Day is all about.  

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who attended, the staff and volunteers who made this event possible, and the local television stations that helped us to get the word out.  We would also like to thank Ameren Missouri for sponsoring the event.

Be sure to check out the World Bird Sanctuary Calendar for other exciting events coming soon. 

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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