Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Come One, Come All

We naturalists at the World Bird Sanctuary frequently have visitors ask if/when there’s going to be a show. Unfortunately, most of our programs need to be booked in advance through the education department and are not always open to the public, but there are many exceptions.

One of our Harris' Hawks demonstrating its amazing flying abilities (photo: Gay Schroer)
Visitors attending the site during afternoons can see some of the practice flights we do daily with the birds, but the times those practices happen are variable.  We also do free shows on some of our larger special event days scattered throughout the year.  The most frequent and easy-to-attend shows, however, occur during the summer months at WBS – our Amazing Animal Encounters!

One of our Ravens demonstrating that even a bird can recycle (photo: Gay Schroer)
Beginning Memorial Day weekend, we put on four half-hour shows a weekend – two on Saturday and two on Sunday,11:30 am and 2:00 pm. These short shows feature a variety of our animals, including reptiles, mammals, and birds.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to see some of our birds in flight, and to witness the incredible talent of our intelligent ravens.  The best part is--these shows are free!

I had the good fortune to speak the majority of the 2014 Animal Encounters, and I can sincerely say that our beautiful amphitheatre gives the shows a very personal feel.  I had so much fun watching the audience’s expressions as I sent a Barn Owl soaring over their heads, or brought our 6-foot boa constrictor onstage.  The animals do vary from show to show, so be sure to visit us more than once!  No two shows are the same.

Naturalist Mike Zieloski dispelling some of the fears and myths about snakes (photo: Gay Schroer)
As an added bonus, our amphitheatre is directly outside our Nature Center, so after a show on a particularly hot day, families can wander inside to find ice cream, cold soda, and other snacks and to cool off in the air conditioning before venturing out to view the other exhibits on our spacious grounds.

You’ll find us onstage every weekend this summer through Labor Day weekend in September, showing off one or more of our truly amazing animals.  This is an event for the whole family, so bring the kids, bring the grandparents, even bring the cousins and aunts and uncles!  We can’t wait to see you soon at one of our Amazing Animal Encounters!

Submitted by JoHanna Burton, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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