Monday, August 3, 2015

A Walk Down the Exhibit Line with a Twist

For a recent World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer Meeting I was asked to take some photos of our birds from a different angle as a fun quiz.

 This month I have opted to share some of these with all of you. See how many of these fun photos you can figure out. Some of these are easy and some stumped even some of our staff who work with these birds daily. Good luck and have fun!

 Answers are at the end. 

1.  This one can be found outside the Wildlife Hospital Weathering area. He is a semiretired education bird. They hunt at night time. They eat almost any small animal that walk, swims, or crawls. They are named for the feathers on top of their head. 
2. This one can also be found outside in the Wildlife Hospital Weathering Area. He is also an education bird. He came into our wildlife hospital with feathers that were growing in upside down, making it difficult for him to fly. This is where he received his name. He is also named for the color of his shoulders. 
3. Our next guest lives on the exhibit line two cages down from the library, on the right. They’re two injured, long legged birds that have some amazing dances. 
4. Number three’s next door neighbor. She is growing up before staff’s eyes. She can often be seen sunning herself. 
5. These two live across from number 4. They love to swim in the water. In August, one of them will often make a guest appearance in our Birds in Concert event. 
6. There are four of them and they are similar to number 5. All four birds are injured and are from Florida. They can only be seen on our exhibit line during the summer. 
7. This last one is my favorite. I have received many compliments on this photo. He can be seen further down on our exhibit line. Last year he was a proud father of many little ones. He is named after one of our songs by our band and a cartoon character. 

 How many did you get right? 

1. Junior- Great-horned Owl 
2. Flip- Red-shouldered Hawk 
3. Sandhill Crane 
4. Dorothy- Andean Condor 
5. Mudflap- White Pelican 
6. Brown Pelican 
7. Fred-Royal Palm Turkey 

Article and photos submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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