Friday, September 4, 2015

Have You Ordered Your Brick Yet?

Have you placed your order yet for the inscribed Word Bird Sanctuary brick that you’ve been putting off and just haven’t gotten around to yet?  All inscribed bricks are installed in the World Bird Sanctuary amphitheater.

If so, this is your last chance to order a brick for the 2015 installation.  We will be placing our last 2015 brick order on 9/16.  Once the order has been placed we cannot add additional bricks to this year’s shipment.  Your order must be received by 9/15 to be included.

So, if you need a memorial brick, birthday gift, or Christmas gift (yes—Christmas is just around the corner), now is the time to purchase.  If your brick is a gift you can add an official donor certificate, which can be sent to the recipient of your choice or mailed to you to present at the proper time.  Donor certificates are just $7.50 in addition to the brick cost.
Official Donor Certificate printed on heavy cardstock paper 

Bricks can be inscribed with any wording of your choice, so long as the wording fits our space constraints; or you can choose an image from our stock logos to go along with the wording.  Logos count as one line and are a small additional cost. To view the large choice of stock logos Click Here.

To order your brick online Click Here.  Not comfortable with ordering merchandise on-line?  Then call 636-225-4390, Ext. 101 to pay by cash or credit/debit card.  

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