Friday, October 9, 2015

The Fab Four

The Fab 4 were four excellent individuals that pursued their internships with the World Bird Sanctuary last summer.  Most of our interns are hard workers, but these four were exceptional.  They pulled their weight everyday all summer long.

No clunkers in this group.  They worked hard every day and gained valuable bird experience.

In the photo above the interns were weed whacking behind WBS’s breeding barn and behind another building where two of the interns lived.  Birds also live in the same building, just farther down the hall.  We have staff and interns living onsite for security purposes, for the birds, and so people are on site 24/7 for immediate response to whatever could happen.

Intern Coordinator Roger Holloway was very pleased with this group of college students hailing from four different universities.  Roger and I admired the team spirit of these budding scientists and naturalists. 

Laryssa Rote recently graduated from Edinboro University in Pennsylvania. Jarod Lueck will be starting his senior year at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.   Allyson Diederichsen will be starting her senior year at Southeast Missouri State University.  Corinne Geekie will be starting her junior year at University of Missouri in Columbia.  In addition to a strong work ethic, all four have a good sense of humor.
We would love to train you as the next intern at World Bird Sanctuary.  You will gain valuable hands on experience as you rotate through all the areas of World Bird Sanctuary--Propagation, Rehabilitation, Field Studies and Education.

If you are interested in a World Bird Sanctuary internship, just fill out the application  on our website and come be part of the team. You will create lifelong friends and have some interesting experiences.

Submitted by Michael ZeloskiDirector, World Bird Sanctuary Director of Education

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