Saturday, November 28, 2015

Owl Prowls Are Filling Fast

Fall has arrived at World Bird Sanctuary, which means the start of Owl Prowl season.  Owl Prowls run from November through March on select Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
One of many European Barn Owls at the World Bird Sanctuary (photo: Cathy Spahn)

What is an Owl Prowl you ask?  The Owl Prowls start at 7 pm in our Nature Center with about a 1 hour program all about some of the owls of the world.  Some of them will even fly right over your head.  After that we take you for a short walk on our property to try to call in a wild owl.  Also during November and early December we will take you to our bird-banding field station to learn about a study we are doing on Saw-whet Owls.

Do you love owls?  Owls Prowls are a great way to learn more about these fascinating creatures of the night.  We also have a small gift shop where you can find lots of Owl merchandise for kids of all ages.
Xena, a member of the world's largest owl species (photo: Gay Schroer)

Do you know what the largest species of Owl is in the world?  Even better, you’ll have that bird fly right over the tops of your heads.  If you’ve guessed the Eurasian Eagle Owl, you’re right.
Minerva the Common Barn Owl demonstrates some of her head-turning ability (photo: Gay Schroer)

Learn which owl is known as the ghost owl and has the best hearing of any bird in the world. 

Ever wonder just how far an owl can turn its head or what makes them fly silently?

Have a scout group that you are looking to do something different with?  Have them join an Owl Prowl.  It’s not only fun, but it’s educational.

Are you an adult that would love to join us, but would prefer an “adults only” night out?  We have special “adults only” nights for the “kid at heart”.  Have a small group that just wants to do something different?  Come out and join us for a fun evening with owls. 

Call now to make your reservations.  Reservations are required.
Cost - $15 per adult; $10 per child under 12.

  Friends of World Bird Sanctuary receive a 10% discount.

Groups of ten or more: $10 per person, regardless of age.

To make your reservation call 636-225-4390, Ext. 101

Submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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