Friday, November 13, 2015


World Bird Sanctuary friend and poet, Marge Biermann, gives us the story of Patriot’s rescue and path back to good health.

The “bad guys” referred to in her prose are World Bird Sanctuary staff members Roger Holloway, Joe Hoffmann and Jeff Meshach, who nursed her back to health, but in the process had to do “bad things” to her such as restraining her to give medications.  Even though this all occurred in 1995, whenever she spies any of them—even at a distance—she loudly issues her territorial call.

Meet a Patriot

Patriot, the Bald Eagle, what a story to tell,
Starting her life from a tree that suddenly fell.
Though thought to die like her siblings in that storm,
She survived with loving hands that kept her warm.

Fed and nurtured, and nursed through pneumonia’s grip,
Her caretakers worked hard to not let her slip.
Finally she thrived and grew…seven pounds in two weeks.
These are the joyous results a true bird lover seeks.

Though now not able to take to the skies,
And feeling her saviors were really the “bad guys”,
She has become a much-loved celebrity…A star,
Having made appearances in places near and far.

Her favorite “Gig” was home plate as our anthem played.
She stood with great pride, her every feather displayed.
Showing us that all creatures can peacefully abide,
Because WBS restored Patriot and her national pride.

To share the satisfaction of the experience in caring,
You might consider a donation in a way of sharing.
Who knows, someday you may see an eagle high in a tree,
And you’ll feel in your heart you helped him fly free.

The next time you visit the World Bird Sanctuary look for Patriot in the weathering area behind the visitor’s center.  That’s where she usually resides when she’s not traveling with our Education Department staff.

As with all of our residents, Patriot is available for adoption through our Adopt A Bird program.

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