Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Harriet oh Harriet...

This is Harriet, our black vulture. To the untrained eye, Harriet may appear to be unbeautiful, but she has an inner beauty that transcends looks. She also likes to play with fish bones after she's stripped off the meat. Trust me, vulture charm is beyond description. Look at her long beautiful toes!

Black vultures are native to the United States. Perhaps you've seen them dining on roadkill? It's a pretty useful service when you think about it. They are just over 2 feet tall, with a wingspan of 4.5 feet. Although like other vultures they eat mostly carrion, large groups have been known to kill skunks and opossums. They will also use turkey vultures for their better sense of smell by following them to a carcass and then chasing the turkey vultures off the meal.

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