Thursday, April 24, 2008

How they grow…Virginia Opossum

When they were about 10 weeks old, Moose and Joey survived a car accident that killed their mother. With lots of love and care, the boys survived and grew up at the World Bird Sanctuary. They can be seen at our Visitor Center and are a popular attraction at programs. These photographs, taken by Gay Schroer, show Moose and Joey as they grew from tiny babies to adults.

84 days old

112 days old

2 years old


  1. I hope this isnt a silky question:
    I have 2 very large oppossums living under a deck to the house next to mine (the house is in foreclosure) and they are constantly eating the bird seed that falls to the ground. I saw them out in the day for the first time. Do they pose a threat to my family and pets? Do they carry any diseases? I dont mind them eating the seed as long as they are safe.
    Thanks for your help.

  2. That is not a silly question! I don't think that your pets have anything to worry about. They might get curious and get close to opossums, but I have a feeling that the opossums would run away. As for your family, as long as they don't try and pet them, and stay far enough away, there won't be a problem. As with all mammals, they could carry some disease.
    Moose are Joey are like dogs. Very funny little mammals!

    Hope that helps!

  3. Thank you so much, that really helps. I will try and keep my distance.
    Its pretty cool and Moose and Joey are like dogs. I dont think i will be training my oppossums any time soon :-)


  4. The top photo is the cutest picture ever! You should sell coffee mugs of this coffee mug shot!

  5. My little babies:) Oh how I miss them... Becky
