Saturday, March 21, 2009

In Your Own Backyard!

Sometimes we get so caught up in spotting the exotic or unusual we lose sight of the fact that there are fascinating creatures in our own backyards.

This photo of a Northern Cardinal was taken through my kitchen window.  Usually Cardinals prefer to feed on the ground, but I had been busy the last two days and forgotten to check the feeder in my backyard.  This guy was apparently desperate enough to brave the nut feeder that hangs a mere foot away from my kitchen window.

Sometimes we forget that this is possibly the worst time of year for our feathered friends.  By March most of the seeds that grow wild have pretty much been depleted, the insects are all dead, or in hiding, new hatches haven't happened yet, and it's slim pickings for our wild bird friends.  They come to rely heavily on our backyard bird feeders at this time of year.  This Cardinal, one of my favorite birds, was my reminder to be faithful about checking the feeders.  

I love the fact that the Cardinal seems to be fully aware of his own beauty, and am fully convinced that it's no coincidence that one of his calls sounds like he's saying "pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty"!!  

Don't forget your feathered friends during this particularly dangerous time of year for them!

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