Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thanks To All!!

Thanks to all of our wonderful supporters for 
making World Eagle Day 2009 a resounding 

The weather was gorgeous!!  And our long time supporters, and many new friends, turned out in record numbers for this popular annual event.  

Guests lined up in record numbers to have their photos taken with our majestic bald eagle, Patriot.  

The children joined in the festivities by building a life size eagle's nest, had their faces painted, and learned how to make Origami creatures to take home.

Guests watched live freeflight presentations featuring our stars, the birds, and were treated to a rare flight demonstration by one of our bald eagles.

We also saw an unprecedented number of camera enthusiasts who took advantage of this rare opportunity to get close-up photos of some of our magnificent raptors.  

Many of our guests stopped by the sponsorship booth to chat with one of our naturalists, look through our Adopt A Bird book, and meet our lovable little Eastern Screech Owl, Twig.

All in all, it appears that a good time was had by all.

If you missed this year's event, mark your calendars for the third Sunday in March for next year.  We'll be there to do it all over again with some of your old favorite activities, and a number of new features. 

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