Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Is A Volunteer??

By definition, a volunteer is a person who willingly and without pay gives their own time, expertise and talents.

However, a great many people are hesitant to volunteer because they don't believe they are knowledgeable or talented enough.  Nothing could be farther from the truth!!  If it weren't for the volunteers who generously share their time, abilities and talents with us, organizations like the World Bird Sanctuary could not exist.  So, to those caring individuals who so generously share their time with us we would like to give a profound "Thank you!".  

To those of you who may have had the passing thought that "I'd like to do that, but don't have the education or knowledge" -or- "I'd like to get involved with that organization, but don't really want to handle the animals", don't hesitate any longer.  The World Bird Sanctuary welcomes any and all volunteers.  

Want to work with the animals and educate the public, but don't have the animal handling experience?  We have classes and will train you.

Don't particularly want to work with the public, but want to work directly with the care, training or breeding of the birds?  We have behind the scenes opportunities for you, along with the training needed.
Want to work with the care and rehabilitation of the many injured birds brought into our hospital each year?  We have just the position for you.

Do you like to educate the public and like being outdoors, but don't necessarily want to handle the birds?  A docent position may be just the spot for you.

Are you a bird watcher who has always thought bird banding would be really interesting?  You may want to join our banding team. Camaraderie and training are provided.

Are you a retired secretary or office worker who wants to do something worthwhile and keep up their office and computer skills?  Working in our office may be just the ticket for you.

Do you have construction skills of any kind?  We are always in need of plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.  

Are you a dedicated gardener, (or an apartment dwelling gardener who no longer has a patch of soil to till?).  We always have groundskeeping work to be done.

We even have a Junior Volunteer program.  Junior volunteers cannot handle birds until they are 16, but they can start learning about the animals they will be handling, and can assist with the daily chores in the education and animal management departments as young as age 13.  This position is educational for the youngsters  and teaches responsibility.

No matter what your skill or talent we can usually find a spot you.  

So--don't hesitate--don't be shy--Go to our web page and fill out one of our volunteer applications.


  1. Volunteers shouldn't be required to be WBS friends. Paying to volunteer is completely mind boggling. Isn't a volunteer already helping the organization? I am sure there might be more volunteers if they didn't need to pay annually to work.

  2. I don't understand your issue with this. You volunteer to help. It isn't any different from paying to help. Just don't volunteer. Plenty of people would be more than happy to help.

  3. And what should I do as a single parent not able to attend this orientation with my son because of my job. And perhaps there should be more orientation days as well. Most of us just can't be so lenient with our time and money. Sorry for not being able to let my son PAY to work. Call me old-fashioned but that's not right.
