Monday, May 25, 2009

It Was a Success!

Fete du Feather was a resounding sucess!!

After almost two years of planning and preparation, our bi-annual fundraiser has come and gone.  Our thanks go out to all those who helped to make it possible -- our staff, volunteers, those generous individuals who contributed the merchandise, trips, etc., and those of you who turned out to party with us.  
The evening started out with cocktails, and a chance to meet some of our resident critters--such as Scoop our White Pelican--while browsing the many items available in our silent auction.

Food was available throughout the "fairgrounds" for who those who wished to browse while eating.  Seating was available for those guests who preferred to sit while enjoying the delicious food.
There were "country fair" type games, as well as a pie eating contest, and the ever popular chicken races.

Items available in our silent auction included a wine basket, jewelry, a dollhouse, handcrafted poker table, artwork, handcrafted duck calls, a fishing rod combo, and a multitude of other items too numerous to mention.

The live auction portion of the evening saw items ranging from a crate of oranges to a six day stay in a private home in Montana.  

Fete du Feather is the only "Open to the Public" event for which there is an admission charge.  Other events, such as Open House and our Summer Concerts are free to the public.

Since our organization is funded strictly by grants and donations--we receive no Federal or State funding--this evening, coupled with other fundraising venues, is very important to us.
So to all of you who turned out to support us for this event, our staff, interns and volunteers want to give a resounding THANK YOU!

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