Friday, May 18, 2012

Clyde Appears at Akers Eagle Scout Ceremony

At 3 pm, on September 17, 2011 at the Beaumont Scout Reservation World Bird Sanctuary helped Christopher Michael Akers celebrate his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. The setting for the Eagle Scout Ceremony was a wonderful early fall day outside.
 Eagle Scout Chris Akers with WBS Naturalist Michael Zieloski and Clyde the Bald Eagle
Christopher did his Eagle Scout project with us at the World Bird Sanctuary. He coordinated the building of two eagle-sized rehab cages for the hospital.  Thanks to Christopher and his crew for improving World Bird Sanctuary with his project.

In order to do an Eagle Scout project for the World Bird Sanctuary a scout must contact our Eagle Scout project coordinator, Walter Crawford, who will help him choose an appropriate project.  The Scout is then in charge of coordinating the project, which can range from securing donated materials to recruiting family, friends and other scouts to help with the labor.   

In appreciation of a Scout’s time and effort in doing their Eagle Scout project for the World Bird Sanctuary, we bring an eagle to his Eagle Scout ceremony.  For Christopher’s ceremony I brought Clyde, the Bald Eagle.  Clyde has his magnificent adult plumage, which Bald Eagles do not fully attain until 5 years of age. Clyde the Bald Eagle is with the World Bird Sanctuary because he is missing a toe and has wing damage. Clyde looked great at the outdoor event. 

Christopher and his parents were gracious enough to let me set up a display of World Bird Sanctuary items from our Gift Shop for the event.  The display consisted of one of our Executive Director's books, plus eagle-themed items.

We hope that more Scouts will follow Christopher’s example and do their Eagle Scout Project with World Bird Sanctuary.  If you are interested in doing your Eagle Scout project for the World Bird Sanctuary, call 636-225-4390 for more information.

Submitted by Michael Zieloski, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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