Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Manchester United Methodist Church Helps WBS

Recently a church group from the Manchester United Methodist Church contacted the World Bird Sanctuary and volunteered their services for an annual “workday”.  WBS was grateful to these volunteers for all their help.  Here is their group leader, Vickie Foster’s, description of their day at the World Bird Sanctuary.

“We had the pleasure recently, of working at the World Bird Sanctuary during our church’s Faith in Action Day. 
 Members of the work party clean a weathering area while two eagles supervise
“A crew of 25 members from Manchester United Methodist Church worked from 8 until noon. We had all ages participating, including families and children.  We like to have a place to work that has wildlife and animals because it is always so popular with the kids. The team enjoyed the day thoroughly.

“Our church had worked at the sanctuary during last year’s workday also.  We were excited to be back again.  We cleaned the cages for the “education” birds while they were out on a field trip.  Everyone pitched in and swept, scrubbed and moved the cages.  We had the company of a raven in his cage and he was very calm despite all our noise.

“Then we moved into the outdoor aviaries and pulled weeds.  This gave us a chance to see several tethered eagles up close. Such magnificent creatures!  I even saw an eagle taking a bath – just like he was a little robin in a birdbath, splashing all around.

“We had a great time during our workday and especially wanted to thank Teri Graves.  She was so well organized, informative, fun and kept us on track that day.  It was a fantastic day for us all.”

If your church or organization is looking for an interesting community service project the World Bird Sanctuary usually has a project that will work for you.  For more information call 636-225-4390 and tell the operator that you have a group that wants to volunteer to do a community service project. 

Submitted by Vickie L. Foster, Guest Contributor

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