Saturday, April 26, 2014


It is with a sad heart that we must let our readers know that Gomer, the Military Macaw passed away yesterday. 

Gomer was 38 years old.  He came from Busch Gardens, Florida and for many years was used as a display and photo op bird at various programs WBS presents at zoos around the nation.  He was trained to say “hello” and “cracker”, could wave, and loved to give kisses on cue.  He could also pose with his wings up in the air in an “eagle” posture.  In 2006 he was trained to drop a plastic bottle into a recycle bin as part of his performance in World Bird Sanctuary education programs.

In recent years Gomer began to display a rather strange feather coloration for his species.  Even though this strange color was exhaustively investigated by our vets on many occasions, no answers were ever found.  For a time it was thought that his odd feather coloration might have to do with a sensitivity to his food, and his diet was changed—but to no avail. 

Recently he had been retired from performing and had been living in our Nature Center, greeting guests as they arrived. 

It was found that Gomer passed away because of liver and heart failure.  Gomer will be sorely missed by one and all.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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