Monday, April 28, 2014

Mother's Day Brick

Now that Easter is behind us Mother’s Day is just around the corner. 

What can you give the first woman in your life that truly expresses your love and appreciation for all the things she has done for you?  Flowers?—they are pretty, but will wilt within a week.   Candy?—it’s yummy, but how often have you heard her say she’s on a diet or wants to lose a few pounds?  Besides, candy will also be gone within a short time. 
World Bird Sanctuary has the answer—the perfect Mother’s Day gift!  One that will express your feelings for your mom in your own words, will last indefinitely, and will be there to remind her of your love each and every time she visits WBS.  What is this perfect Mother’s Day gift?  It’s an inscribed brick, which will be installed in our amphitheater! 

Many of our supporters have already taken the opportunity to celebrate special occasions, express their feelings for loved ones, honor a special person in their life, or memorialize a loved one who has passed on. 

To order a brick for your special lady click here to use our easy on-line ordering system.  If you prefer not to order on-line you may call 636-225-4390 and tell the person who answers that you would like to buy a brick. 

A 4X8” brick can accommodate three lines of text.  An 8X8” brick can accommodate six lines of text.   Each line can be no more than 21 characters (including spaces and punctuation). 

4X8 brick with three-line inscription - $125
8X8 brick with six-line inscription - $200
A Presentation Certificate as shown above is also available for a minimal cost - $7.50
Other options such as stock symbols are also available

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