Sunday, September 14, 2014

Special Events At The World Bird Sanctuary

The World Bird Sanctuary’s staff, interns and volunteers wear many hats during the year in addition to their everyday duties—not the least of which are the unexpected talents they display at our special events.
JoHanna Burton with a batch of owl cookies for Birds in Concert (photo: Mike Zieloski)
Look at what JoHanna Burton (WBS Staff Person) made for the Birds In Concert Event for the night of August 28, 2014.  She made Peanut Butter Cookies into the shape of Owls. She used chocolate for the eyes.  These treats were for sale to help raise money for the birds.  At the concert the week before she made Blueberry Bars which were delicious.  Matt Levin, volunteer extraordinaire made Chocolate chip cookie pies, which were sold as treats.  Thanks JoHanna and Matt.
At World Eagle Day, I, Michael Zeloski had my face painted by WBS Staff person Dawn Kernich.  My face became a wonderfully large Eagle head.  Face Painting is just one of the activities at World Eagle Day in March and at Open House in October.  Other popular activities are the photo op with one of our amazing birds, and the kids’ craft project.
The Raptor Project performing at one of our special events (photo: Gay Schroer)

The World Bird Sanctuary band, The Raptor Project, is composed of unbelievably talented staff and volunteers, and never fails to entertain at our special events.
One of our most popular activities at special events--the photo op (photo: Gay Schroer)

You will want to be a part of our next special event, our 2-day Open House—always held the third weekend of October.  Until then, the World Bird Sanctuary has a number of other special programs to fill your outdoor interests.

            Our guided hikes program, Hey, There’s Nature In My Woods, has only two more sign up days left for this year – 9/27 and 10/25.  Call 636-225-4390 x101 to make your reservations.

            Owl Prowls will be starting 11/8 and will continue through the Owl mating and breeding season.  Owl Prowl slots are already beginning to fill.  For more information and specific dates click here  and check out the Owl Prowl dates on our events calendar.  Don’t delay, as these Owl Prowls fill up quickly.  Call 636-225-4390 x101 to make your reservations

WBS Special Events are made special by our staff, volunteers and interns.  The work our crew puts in, plus amazing birds and the community spirit and energy generated by our staff and volunteers is contagious.

 Click here  for information on Special Events now and throughout the year--or call 636-225-4390 x101 for more detailed information.

Submitted by Michael Zieloski, World Bird Sanctuary Director of Education

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