Friday, September 12, 2014

Volunteer Spotlight: Bobby Zitzmann

The World Bird Sanctuary would not be able to properly care for our birds without the help of our staff and volunteers.  They are hardworking, dedicated, and most of all passionate about everything they do.   To show our appreciation, we want to spotlight individuals who make day-to-day work at the World Bird Sanctuary run smoothly.

As of June 15, 2014 Bobby Zitzmann has been a volunteer for the World Bird Sanctuary for exactly one year.  Thanks to his dad, who is good friends with founder Walter Crawford, as well as being a trustee for the Wildlife Hospital, Bobby has grown up hearing about and being around the World Bird Sanctuary for as long as he can remember.

Bobby is an extremely dedicated volunteer.  During the summer last year, he was volunteering at least four days a week.  Even returning to school didn’t stop Bobby’s dedication; he was in here every Sunday volunteering.  This past summer Bobby was volunteering three to four days a week.  Now that schools are back in session you’ll be able to find him working hard in the Nature Center every chance he gets.

You’ll also be able to find Bobby’s favorite bird in the Nature Center--Murdock the Military Macaw.  Murdock is Bobby’s favorite because no matter what kind of day you’re having, you’ll always get a friendly “Hello!” from Murdock.

When asked what his favorite part about volunteering at the World Bird Sanctuary is, Bobby answered without a pause that it is helping the visitors and answering any questions they may have. This is exactly what we look for in our volunteers and staff!
The commitment to all of our visitors is something in which we take great pride.

We at the World Bird Sanctuary are extremely lucky to have staff and volunteers who are devoted to the care of all our birds.  Thank you Bobby for everything you do for the World Bird Sanctuary!

Submitted by Mary Beth St. Peters, World Bird Sanctuary Social Media & Fundraising Intern

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