The World Bird Sanctuary’s mission is to preserve the earth’s biological diversity and to secure the future of threatened bird species in their natural environments. We work to fulfill that mission through education, captive breeding, field studies and rehabilitation.
Description: Slender raptor, slightly smaller in size than a Red-tailed Hawk, with a slightly longer wingspan and slimmer wings than other soaring hawks; common color pattern is dark brown plumage with a brown chest and pale belly; in flight, holds wings in a shallow “V” and teeters in flight like a Turkey Vulture; in-flight diagnostics are pointed wings and two toned effect of pale wing linings and dark flight feathers; adults have a pale body with dark “bib” on chest and noticeable white throat patch; there are two color variations—a light morph and a dark morph
Sex: Sexually mature at 2 years; monogamous
Age: high mortality from traffic collisions, shooting, electrocution
Length: 17-22”
Wingspan: 4-4.5’
Weight: 1.5-2.5 lbs
Habitat: open grasslands, prairies, farmlands and deserts that have some trees for nesting
Status: fairly common
Range: summers and breeds in the plains of western North America, as far north as Alaska and as far south as Mexico; winter range is the pampas of Argentina, with a few wintering in Florida
Behavior: nests are built of sticks and lined with greenery, usually placed low in a tree, bush or shrub; female lays 2-3 eggs, incubated 34-35 days; young fledge at about 6 weeks; known to congregate in large flocks during winter migration; will follow tractors or stay close to prairie fires in search of disturbed prey
Diet: mainly large insects such as dragonflies, but will take rodents, reptiles, amphibians, bats and young or disabled birds during breeding season
Vocalization: mostly silent; gives a shrill “kearrr” similar to a Red-tailed Hawk when alarmed or disturbed, or during an aggression display