Sandhill Cranes are tall, grey birds that are typically found in meadows, wetlands, and open grasslands. They stand anywhere between 3-5 feet, can weigh between 6-14 pounds, and have a wingspan of about 5-6 feet long. In the summer months, Sandhills migrate north to their breeding grounds throughout Alaska and Canada, and then return south to northern Mexico and the southern United States with their young. Young Sandhill Cranes, called colts, are able to walk shortly after hatching, and can feed themselves within their first day. Sandhill Cranes are omnivores, and their diet is made up of mostly grains, seeds, insects, small vertebrates, and small invertebrates.
These Sandhill Cranes came to us from Florida after they were injured and deemed non-releasable. They will be ambassadors for their species, and help educate many people about Sandhill Cranes. The two Sandhill cranes are currently on display at the World Bird Sanctuary.

Bird's Eye View is written and photographed by our volunteer Daniel.
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